Experts workshop: African position paper on Global Fund next-generation market shaping strategy
Type of Services: Simultaneous Interpretation service and equipment ( based in South Africa )
Language: English to French AND French to English
Expected Dates: 23-24 February 2023
Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa
Application Deadline: February 13th, 2023, at 12.00 pm Addis time
The African Constituency Bureau (ACB) for the Global Fund was established by a resolution of African Health ministers in 2012. The ACB, also known as the Bureau, brings together the two African Constituencies West and Central Africa (WCA) and East and Southern Africa (ESA) represented at the Global Fund (GF)to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The two constituencies represent 47 African countries that are recipients of GF support for HIV, TB, and Malaria control. The Bureau facilitates collaboration across the two constituencies, facilitates effective engagement, representation, and participation of the two constituencies in GF processes, and enhances their capacity to shape GF policies and processes. It also ensures that Africa’s voice is enhanced to influence Global Health policy decisions.
The ACB in collaboration with AU-NEPAD and a variety of stakeholders including the African Union, WHO, the Global Fund, and African governments will gather experts on market shaping / local manufacturing on February 23-24, 2023, in Johannesburg South Africa. Building on conversations at the recently held side event at the International Conference on Public Health In Africa (CPHIA) in Kigali in December of 2022, a range of experts will be drawn from governments, academia, the Private sector, researchers, representatives of trade and industry, technology transfer companies, regulators, development partners, multi-lateral organizations, financiers, and other global health actors to mainly discuss on the Global Fund’s Next Generation Market Shaping strategy.
The workshop aims to:
Specifically, this workshop seeks to influence, through this position paper the development of specific workstreams for the Global Fund NextGen Market Shaping Strategy.
Qualified providers will provide the following services:
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