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About The African Constituency Bureau

The African Constituency Bureau brings together the two African Constituencies represented at the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). The two constituencies represent 47 African Countries that are recipients of Global Fund support for HIV, TB and Malaria control. Our focus is on tackling health policy challenges that are preventing Africa from ending the epidemics. Most importantly, the Bureau provides the 46-member countries and the respective constituency delegations with access to top-notch technical support in analyzing and identifying solutions to critical global and regional issues around resilient and sustainable systems for health.

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Who we are
ACB History

Discussions on the establishment of the African Constituency Bureau (ACB) date as far back as the year 2012 when the two major Global Fund (GF) constituencies – Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) and West and Central Africa (WCA) – came together and developed the governance framework paper detailing how they were to operate and govern themselves. The framework provided for the establishment of the African Constituency Bureau for the Global Fund so that it could serve as a technical resource center for these two constituencies. The (ACB) was thus officially launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the 6th of May 2017. The formation of the Bureau is in firm recognition of the opportunities the Global Fund (GF) and its mechanisms has continued to provide to the African continent to save millions of lives. Although the GF is participatory in its operations, the African voices were not adequately heard in global health discussions.

What we do
How ACB Works

For purposes of Board representation, the Global Fund has grouped stakeholders into twenty (20) constituencies with each constituency represented by a Board Member and an alternate Board Member.

Ten constituencies are implementer constituencies and two of these two represent the 47 recipient countries in Africa, namely, the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) and West and Central Africa (WCA) constituencies.

Facilitate Collaboration

The Bureau facilitates collaboration across the two constituencies and ensures that Africa’s voice is enhanced to influence Global Health policy decisions.

Effective Representation & Good Governance

The Bureau provides mechanisms for the Constituencies to discuss and inform the Board level discussions.

Technical Support

The Bureau provides technical support to Africa representatives to effective represent Africa’s issues in global health discussions.

Policy and Strategy

The Bureau works to provide leaders in health in Africa with policy and strategy options to ensure Global Health policies and processes are responsive to Africa needs.

Meet our team
ACB Staff Members
Mrs Susan Mochache
Excecutive Director A.I.
Finance & Admin Manager
Policy and Communications Analyst
Strategic Information Advisor
Dr John Jingu, ESA Alternate Board member, African Constituency Bureau
ESA Alternate Board member
ESA Board member
WCA Alternate Board member
WCA Board member
Audit and Finance Committee Member ESA
Ethics and Governance Committee Member, Chair
Ethics and Governance Committee Member WCA
Ethics and Governance Comittee Member, Vice Chair
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