Organizational Background
Established in 2012 by a resolution of African Health ministers, the African Constituency Bureau (ACB) for the Global Fund began its operations in March 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as a policy Think Tank for African Constituencies of the Global Fund. The Global Fund has two constituencies representing Africa, namely, the West and Central Africa (WCA) and Eastern and Southern African (ESA). The African Constituencies joined forces with a twofold intent: to ensure that constituency priorities are reflected in Global Fund strategy and operational plans; and to strengthen the presence, voice and contributions of the constituencies in all Global Fund processes. The constituencies adopted a new Governance Framework – which is now under revision – that, amongst other things, introduced the concept of establishing a joint WCA and ESA Bureau to support the Board members, Alternates, committee members and delegates representing countries from these two constituencies.
The ACB is now in full operation and has made significant developments at establishing strategic partners, rigorizing policy analysis, strengthening engagements and participation of African countries in Global Fund governance deliberations, resource mobilization and strengthening the organization’s capacity.
The role of Executive Director (ED) is critical for the success of the African Constituency Bureau. Reporting directly to the Executive Board, the Executive Director will guide the ACB’s strategic and operational engagements.
The ED is responsible for establishing and implementation, in consultation with the ACB Board, of the strategies and plans defined by the African constituency representatives to the Global Fund Board (WCA and ESA) as well as ensuring that results are achieved. Under the leadership of the Executive Team, the ED has overall strategic and operational responsibility for the Bureau. S/he leads the Bureau in identifying and strengthening partnerships and engagements with key relevant stakeholders in the global health community. S/he also supports communication focal points for the constituencies and ensures that an appropriate resource mobilization strategy is in place and actively works to bring in resources in the Bureau. S/he supervises and evaluates the staff in the Bureau and reports to the Board Members.
The main responsibilities of the Executive Director include the following:
This is a full-time position based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the successful candidate being contracted on a three-year basis with the possibility of renewal. Salary is internationally competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. The benefits for this position are attractive and commensurate with International recruitment packages of similar organizations.
Advanced degree (Masters or PhD) in international relations or health Studies (public health, health policy, international health) and an advanced degree in Administration, Management or equivalent.
Relevant Experience
Info Mind Solutions has been engaged by The African Constituency Bureau to the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) to conduct a recruitment for a suitably qualified individual to undertake the position of Executive Director.
Expressions if interest together with a full CV (MS word format) and supporting statement, highlighting your experience and skills against the requirements of the role should be directed to Osman Ahmed, HR Business Services Manager, Info Mind Solutions, on or before Monday 18th March 2019.