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COMMUNIQUÉ : Improved Political commitment and domestic financing for TB and support for GF TB grant application for 2023-2025 cycle for high burden countries in Africa


Theme: Improved Political commitment and domestic financing for TB and support for GF TB grant application for 2023-2025 cycle for high burden countries in Africa

November 28-29, 2022, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Recalling the Assembly/AU/Dec.565 (XXIV) which calls for control and elimination of airborne infectious diseases, including Tuberculosis in Africa by 2030 and the Assembly/AU/Dec.786(XXXIII) which requested the Tuberculosis scorecard and urged Member States to accelerate efforts in addressing Tuberculosis as a major health threat in Africa.

Noting that twenty-five (25) of the 49 countries with the highest burden of TB, drug-resistant TB, and/or TB/HIV are in the African Region, and that ending the TB epidemic is a target under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2018 UN High Level Meeting on the fight against TB (UNHLM).

Recognising that TB needs greater attention and political commitment, recognizing that TB is the leading cause of death among all infectious diseases and one of the top causes of deaths in countries. Further recognizing the high return of investment for TB and avoid greater cost of inaction:

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