From the left to the right : Mr. Gabriel Atangana and Mrs. Nancy Bolima
Specifically, the meeting aimed at: (i) Developing a common understanding of the organization’s mission and approach; (ii) Promoting clarity regarding staff roles and responsibilities; (iii) understanding how support functions of HR, finance, and administration, etc. work together to efficiently fulfil ACB’s mandate (iv) Reflecting on the year 2020 activities , celebrating achievements and identifying areas of improvement; (v) having a common understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on our business model; (vi) Promoting deeper connection and strengthened relationships with ACB Staff in ways that are not possible when working remotely; and (vii) Building a foundation for teamwork.
This visit was also an opportunity to meet with the CCM Cameroon leadership in the persons of Mr. Gabriel Atangana and Ms. Nancy Bolima respectively Chair and Vice-chair. This meeting helped at strengthening the already productive and constructive relationship. I also enabled the ACB staff to listen to the challenges of this West and Central African country. Amongst the various recommendations, they expressed the need for the secretariat staff to carry out more field visits in countries to get closer to the reality on the ground, to better understand the challenges faced by countries and to share knowledge and experience on what other countries are implementing. Also, the CCM mentioned the lack of resources (material, human and financial).
Nevertheless, these challenges did not stop the CCM Cameroon dynamic growth. With its recent link to the Prime Minister’s Office, the CCM Cameroon is able to better coordinate its interventions. This anchoring comes at a time when the NFM3 has increased Cameroon’s grant by 65% compared to the previous cycle’s allocation.
The next retreat will be held in 2022 in a Southern African country as per th regional rotation principles.